BMC presents a short, easy, non-trap rally through chester county, PA and Cecil County, MD. See the flyer for full details.
Rally: Blast from the Past
2011 September Gasline
Attached is the September 2011 BMC Gasline newsletter. Included this month, are a flyer for BMC’s “Blast From The Past” rally and results from the BMC/PCA Autocross III on August 13.
Check the calendar for an upcoming club events, the “Blast from the Past” Rally on Sunday September 25.
August 13 – Autocross – Glasgow, DE
Delaware PCA and BMC present Autocross III of 2011, at Keene Elementary School on Saturday August 13, 2011 in Glasgow, DE. See the flyer for full details.
2011 July Gasline
Attached is the July 2011 BMC Gasline newsletter. Included this month, are the results from the BMC/PCA Autocross II held on June 25.
Don’t forget to check the calendar for upcoming club events such as the “Blast from the Past” Rally on Sunday September 25.
2011 June Gasline
Attached is the June 2011 BMC Gasline newsletter. Included this month, are the results from the Two County Rally event held on May 15.
Don’t forget to check the calendar for upcoming club events such as the June 25th Glasgow Autocross.
2011 May Gasline
Attached is the May 2011 BMC Gasline newsletter. Included this month, are the results and photos from the BMC/PCA Autocross event held on April 17 in Dover.
Check the calendar for upcoming club events.
The British Car Club of Delaware & Brandywine Motorsport Club Present: A Two County Rally
This rally will be easy to follow. It includes mileages at most turns and only one average speed of 24mph.
It will be a great day of driving the back roads around Hockessin and Yorklyn in New Castle County, and Landenberg and Avondale in Chester County.
See the flyer and
general instructions (GI) for more information
When: Sunday, May 15, 2011
Registration opens at 12 Noon
1st car off at 1:01 P.M.
Start Location: Brandywine Springs Park
Faulkland Road and Newport Gap Pike
Finish and Eat: About 4 – 4:30 P.M.
Hunter’s Den Restaurant
3517 Old Capitol Trail
Marshallton DE 302.998-4790
Entry Fee: $10 per car – Payable at Start of Rally
Trophies will be awarded to both Novice and
Experienced Drivers and Navigators
2011 April Gasline
Attached is the March 2011 BMC Gasline newsletter. Included this month, are the results and photos from the March Lamb Rally held on March 26. Don’t forget to check the calendar for upcoming club events.
2011 Membership reminder
Download and send in your membership renewal application today.
2011 March Gasline
Attached is the March 2011 BMC Gasline newsletter. Included again this month is a flyer for the March Lamb Tour Rally.
Have you renewed your BMC Membership for 2011?
Download and send in your membership renewal application today.
March Lamb Rally flyer
Please see this flyer for the March Lamb Rally.
See the calendar for basic rally schools which will be held at the February and March monthly club meetings.